SK Telecom T1
2018-01-17 11:00:00
ROX Tigers

SK Telecom T1 vs ROX Tigers

2018-01-16 23:14:18Posted by NocturaCS

2018 League Champions Korea (LCK) Spring Split,

I'e put a lot of thought into coming back to my roots of eSports which is League of Legends, I've put a few hundred hours into League as a game and followed the pro scene back in 2015-2016. I realize if I want to continue my dream of becoming an eSports analyst, I need to have knowledge in more than just 1 game. I have been educating myself on all the players who have made roster changes or come out of retirement or have retired since 2016 and I feel comfortable predicting only a few matches to help get me back into the swing of things.

SK Telecom T1:

Starting with what was the best team in the world back in my day I'm surprised to see them struggling as much as they have been. Losing to Samsung Galaxy during Worlds of last year was heartbreaking for many fans and Faker himself. I would expect the team to bounce back and try to regain their number one spot this year and i'm excited to be able to watch them play again, as they have such a slow and conservative playstyle, it's a real change of pace compared to most Counter Strike games.

ROX Tigers:

Rthe ROX Tigers are currently ranked 9th in Korea and 69th overall globally, due to some shifting roster changes ROX has taken a hit and over the past 6 months current sit at a win rate of 30%, winning only 3 of their pat 10 games. Now because of the player break they have had some time to recuperate and get back to a high level of play, bu tthe question remains; will they have enough to take down SKT?

Final Thoughts:

Obviously if you're a fan of League of Legends or are involved in the League scene at all, picking the ex number one team in the world in a match up against the ranked 69th team in the world is an easy pick. However I will be hopefully looking back into the League scene more to give a more in-depth analytic assessment of the champion pick and bans by both teams as I know those are important to the game.

From what research I have done, it seems on the professional level the most banned champions are currently; Ezeral, Kalista, Sejuani, Malzahar, and Shen. While the most played champions are currently Ryze, Kog'maw, Gnar, Braum, and Gangplank.

As much as this information is nice picks and bans are usually unique to each team and when you're talking about a team like SKT where Faker has literally played Master Yi mid! These types of unique individual stats are what make teams better than the average.

I will be watching more and more Pro League of Legends and streams to further educate myself on the newest champions and abilities and maybe even hop back onto the rift to get an in depth acquaintance with my new line of work, I hope everyone enjoys the week and new season of the Pro Leagues and that all your predictions work out! Low bet on SKT is what I'll be going for!

SK Telecom T1 Pinnacle 1.19 5 Win


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