Oh My God
2020-03-31 11:50:47
Invictus Gaming

Oh My God vs Invictus Gaming

2020-03-31 01:05:46Posted by Longevou5

IG has a played style that sometimes involves taking questionable risks and often relies on individual players to dominate their lanes. Because of this, they have gone to 3 maps against teams worse than OMG. I believe the implied odds of 66.7% that IG sweeps OMG 2-0 to be a little too high, probably should closer to 51%. Recently OMG lost 2-0 to TOP, but they have forced a couple top tier teams to three maps this split including FPX and RNG. Little bit better odds taking OMG +1.5 than the Over so Ill be placing a small bet assuming they have about a 49% chance to steal one map here.

Oh My God (1.5) Betway 2.05 5 Loss


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