JD Gaming
2019-12-21 11:00:00
Oh My God

JD Gaming vs Oh My God

2019-12-21 04:48:27Posted by MrRan

Moving to a new city, what a busy day, terriblely I am typing it in a restaurant and having no time even watch the matches, this tip is only based on the current roster on leaguepedia, OMG has changed the roster with a new member named smlz from fomer team SN, so now they have two carry points, mid and bottom carry, in the last season, icon perform just fine, due to the bad plays of team fight and bad operation, they lost a lot,and lots of games been turned over even when is in a very dominant position. So JDG is more likely to take the bo1 match.1.39 odds is just fine, a little bit low odds I think.

JD Gaming Pinnacle 1.39 10 Win


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