G2 Esports
2020-04-03 16:05:00
MAD Lions

G2 Esports vs MAD Lions

2020-04-02 23:34:06Posted by Michistrate33

Clean 3 0 for G2.

They have shown the whole spring split they all can play any sort of champions on any lanes.

Wunder is always a flexible player so he can fit any macro game G2 would like to put on the table. Nothing to say about Jankos, he is one of the best player of the world. Perks on the midlane is just having good time winning all match ups. Caps and Mickyx, even if they are playing together only since the beginning of the split on the botlane are most of the time safe and capitalizing on the global snowball.

Mad loins took a game to G2 this year and with the maneer, it only happens once.

Under 3.5 Betway 2.25 10 Loss


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