EVOS Esports
2018-05-14 11:00:00
Team Liquid

EVOS Esports vs Team Liquid

2018-05-13 15:40:06Posted by apogio3

EVOS Esports vs Team Liquid tommorow for the 4th day of MSI 2018 at 14:00.

Team Liquid is looking in a bad spot , they got their first win of the tournament but still doublelift,

impact and olleh underperform and their overall execution as a team needs a lot of things to be fixed.

On the other hand EVOS seems to be more consistent on their plan following it till the end.

They almost took their 2nd win in the tournament with a perfect split push execution. Also Team Liquid has

communication problems as well as bad mentality .

EVOS Esports Bet365 2.62 2 Loss


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