Virtus Pro
2018-04-10 18:00:00
G2 Esports

Virtus Pro vs G2 Esports

2018-04-09 16:52:39Posted by NocturaCS

ECS Season 5 Europe ,

Another week another opportunity to predict accurately some games to be played across both North America and Europe for Counter Strike. This day in particular we will be looking at the European scene and specifically about a set of games between France's G2 Esports and Poland's Virtus Pro. Both of these squads are starting to become solidified in their newest roster changes and in this best of two series they will be playing maps both teams are comfortable with; Cache and Nuke. This will be an entertaining series to watch as I feel this will allow each team to showcase their newest addictions and possibly win some games. Let's take a look at these two teams and see who will come out on top.

G2 Esports :

G2 has been finding some success recently with their newest pick up Mixwell. Out of the thirteen maps Mixwell has played with his new G2 squad, they have won nine. Which nine wins for thriteen total maps played is a very high win rate. The exact win rate is roughly 70%. A nice step up for the team and I feel Mixwell's addition has allowed G2 to better close out games, his clutch potential is through the roof and I cannot tell you how many reddit highlights I've seen of Mixwell entry fragging and holding down sites in a 1vX situation. He is an excellent addition to the team and I see G2 going incredibly far in their upcoming events for this year.

G2 Esports's maps are as followed ; Mirage is 4-8, Inferno is 7-5, Cache is 5-4, Cobblestone is 5-3, Overpass is 4-4, Nuke is 3-0, and Train is the perma ban.

Virtus Pro :

With the addition of MICHU over Taz it is of no question that Virtus Pro are doing better than what they once were. However even though it is better, Virtus Pro still have a lot of work to do to make this new addition work. It seems as though Michu is outperforming Virtus Pro and is becoming the star player. I hope he doesn't leave the organization as he is proving himself to the world that he can play at a higher level than the majority of his team mates.

Virtus Pro's maps are as followed ; Mirage is 13-8, Cobblestone is 7-9, Inferno is 3-12, Train is 7-8, Cache is 4-5, Nuke is 4-3, and Overpass is 0-1.

Map Pick/Ban :

This is a best of two with each game represented as an individual game. In this tip we will be focusing on the second game on Nuke. This is a good map for both of these teams and Virtus Pro does favor this map more than G2. However when G2 play Nuke they have an overall better win rate on it. Considering G2 is also the better overall team, I'm going to give them the map advantage.

Final Thoughts:

Final thoughts going into this series is that though both G2 and Virtus Pro have a tendency to be inconstant and they both have new players on their roster, G2 is the overall better team and pick in this match up and on these maps. I can foresee this match up being between Mixwell and Michu and ending with Mixwell winning. Medium on G2 Esports.

G2 Esports Bet365 1.53 6 Loss


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