United Kingdom
2017-11-03 20:15:00

United Kingdom vs Sweden

2017-11-03 02:18:42Posted by Petar

We are finally at the verge of the biggest, most prestigious Overwatch tournament of the year - the World Cup. The first clash of the day is between none other than Sweden and the United Kingdom.

While the United Kingdom team is no slouch, especially after seeing them defeat Chinese Taipei 3-0 just a while ago to proceed to Top 8, they should be no match for Sweden - as they have the superior team in every segment. They're a complete team and they're spearheaded by superstars like Tviq and Cwoosh, who are also backed by great players like Zebbosai, Snillo, Manneten and Chipshajen.

The suggestion here is to bet big as Sweden should have no problems taking down UK and advancing further on into the tournament.

Sweden 1xBet 1.60 10 Win


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