2017-10-27 17:00:00

TY vs Snute

2017-10-27 05:27:15Posted by Meistro1

Here's the thing, when you are at a tournament like Blizzcon, with so much money on the line, and so many people watching and cheering you on, you play your heart out. I mean this is a life defining moment for a lot of these guys. They have trained hard, worked hard, basically their whole life for years has revolved around this one giant moment, playing in the biggest SC 2 tournament of the year and competing for a whopping $280,000 first place prize. So with so much on the line, can Snute really pull off the upset and defeat TY? I don't think so. Look, Snute has a great defensive game, he sits back, he macros up, and he tries to get to the late game. But guess what. The late game is TY's specialty. You bring out the ultralisks? Too bad, they get sniped. Guardians? Shot down by vikings. I mean TY's late game mechanics are just flawless, and I don't think that Snute's passive and safe style throughout the early middle game is going to be enough to gain him a strong advantage. It's not like TY is just going to throw units at him and end up hopelessly out matched in the middle game, that's not his style. Out of the six matches they've played against each other in a professional format, TY has won 5. And given the format, I just don't see Snute pulling this off.

TY Betway 1.30 7 Win


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