2017-11-19 12:30:00

TooDming vs Neeb

2017-11-18 18:57:26Posted by Meistro1

Neeb vs who? TooDming is a Chinese player who has been active in the SC 2 tournament scene for quite some time. Unfortunately for him, he hasn't received the same sort of breakout success that Neeb has. Neeb, the American Protoss, won three WCS titles in 2017 and despite having a rocky WCS Championship series is still in top form. Neeb even managed to best Rogue in a series during the WCS Championship and considering that Rogue is basically the best Zerg in the world this is no mean feat. Neeb is at his peak, his PvZ in particular is looking sharp, and he should have no problem crushing TooDming. This game is an absolute lock.

Neeb Pinnacle 1.13 5 Loss


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