Team Vitality
2021-01-20 12:30:04
compLexity Gaming

Team Vitality vs compLexity Gaming

2021-01-20 11:22:55Posted by rainpainter

Honestly, i don't see anything how Complexity could make the presence in this match.

Vitality are simply much better than Complexity with a stand-in. That's really sad for the European team, but poizon is still not in action.

In general, coL need to adapt to annoying smart 6-man playstyle of Vitality in really short time.

I don't think it's possible, either I don't think Complexity can set up their game well enough with JUGi in general.

Easy 2-0 for Vitality

Team Vitality (-1.5) Betway 1.55 10 Win


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