Team Liquid
2019-11-22 04:30:57
The Alliance

Team Liquid vs The Alliance

2019-11-21 17:31:51Posted by Thinking Seagull

The new Liquid is the old Alliance right? Imagine that. Basicly the old Alliance team just swaped for the "blue horse" shirts and have a 2:1 win rate the last 3 games. They won against EG 2:1 which to me is a sing of recognition from them. Alliance on the other hand same 2:1 wiw rate in the last 3 games. Won against Fnatic and had a real close game vs TNC, but lost. Not to be underestimated. Im gonna go for Liquid on this one but tbh..this is anyones game. If Liquid are able to secure Broothmother for just one match I belive the favors will be on there side. 1 Team Liquid

Team Liquid 1xBet 2.18 5 Win


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