Team Liquid
2018-02-02 23:00:00

Team Liquid vs Luminosity

2018-02-02 20:24:31Posted by NocturaCS

StarSeries i-League Season 4 North America Qualifier Semi Final ,

Here comes the semi final of the StarSeries i-League Season 4 North American Qualifier, and this time around we are starting our prediction coverage in the semi final round with teams Liquid and Luminosity. These two teams have both beaten two lower tier North American teams to get to this spot and the winner of this best of three series will move on to the main StarSeries stage in Ukraine. Both of these teams will be hungry for the opportunity to play on an international stage and thus this will be a good match to watch.

Team Liquid :

Team Liquid has had a rough start coming back from the ELEAGUE Major after playing with their coach Zews as a stand in. Though they did well, they did not qualify for the Legends spot. Now that Zews is back behind the scene and the actual player Steel is a part of the team , I feel liquid will have a lot better results in the future. Steel is a former Immortals player that got signed to Team Liquid after Stainislaw left for unknown reasons, I hope this line up can have much success and they seemed to have a shakey performance against CoL but they managed to pull of the victory.

Team Liquid's maps are as followed; Mirage is 8-11, Inferno is 6-6, Cobblestone is 5-6, Cache is 4-3, Train is 6-0, Overpass is 1-3, and Nuke is the perma ban.

Luminosity :

Luminosity I'd say is the third best Brazilian team, and being the third best team, you'd expect an average team and that's basically what they are. Before the player break over the holidays Luminosity was a team that could pull off upsets here and there, though now that the break is over, they are having some struggles against higher tier organizations that they once would be able to compete with. They haven't been playing a lot of smaller events and I assume they've been practicing at the very least but seeing their recent results and the fact that they haven't played since December, really speaks to me as an analyst.

Luminosity's maps are as followed; Train is 5-9, Cache is 7-3, Inferno is 2-3, Cobblestone is 1-3, Nuke is 1-1, Mirage is 0-1, and Overpass is the perma ban.

Map Pick/Ban :

Since this is a best of three, we will be looking at two bans, two picks and a random decider for the map choices. Team Liquid will ban out Nuke immediately, followed up by Cache. Luminosity will follow up with an Overpass ban and a ban of Inferno. We are then left with the maps Train, Cobblestone, and Mirage as the deciders.

Final Thoughts:

Looking at these two North American teams I see a very large difference in practice time. Though team liquid have only had their 5th member Steel in on their roster for only a few games now, they seem to be gaining momentum and the rest of Liquid have stepped up to make up for the new member getting used to the team. Luminosity however have not had a whole lot of real world practice and I can see them making errors in their game against Splyce, however they were forgiven because Splyce isn't a team to capitalize on mistakes. In this match up, I take Liquid over Luminosity in a somewhat convincing fashion.

Team Liquid Pinnacle 1.27 5 Win


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