Team Liquid
2018-11-14 01:30:00
compLexity Gaming

Team Liquid vs compLexity Gaming

2018-11-12 08:48:14Posted by shamalamadingdong

Wow its been a long time since I`ve seen a team been so dominant as Teamliquid was against Faze, and you could say the same for the grand final.

This time in the reverse. Liquid looked good on Mirage, but once they failed that map... it was over.

The good point for Liquid is that they are looking good against most teams except Astralis. They should be pretty dejected, but they always bounced back earlier after losses like this one.

Complexity has looked more like we expect them to, not really making an impact at even lower tiered tournaments. They have fair chance to make it to the LAN finals if they are able to get some points against Liquid. IF...


Team Liquid Bet365 1.28 9 Loss


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