Swole Patrol
2018-11-06 02:00:00

Swole Patrol vs Mythic

2018-11-05 22:17:43Posted by NocturaCS

ESEA MDL Season 29 North America,

In today's tip, we will be turning our attention towards that of the ESEA MDL Season 29 of North America. Where we will be discussing the potential upset value that Mythic may have over that of their counter-part Swole Patrol. This official game will be played as an online best-of-one series and the map randomly selected by the folks over at ESEA will be that of Cache. This tip will be high risk, but I do see some value in attempting for this upset, follow along and see how they match up.

Mythic :

Mythic is one of the most well known "stream-teams". Consisting of all former professional CS:GO players now turned streamers. These streamers usually spend their time playing CS: GO in front of their respective live audainces, however, all five members of this team joined forces in order to bring their viewers a glimpse into how competative games are played. Because of this, they have all focused a lot more of their individual time and stream air-time into practicing and developing as a team. Where I feel they will win against a more well-established and solid team like Swole Patrol comes into flourishing on Swole Patrol's side, which I will get into when we talk about them. For now with Mythic, to fend off this quick overview, the map being played: Cache, they currently hold a win rate of 62.5% winning five of the last eight times they played on it.

Swole Patrol :

Swole Patrol is an up and coming North American team who just recently traveled all the way out to Moscow for EPICENTER 2018. At EPICENTER they placed in the last place after making it out of the wildcard qualifier. Unfortunately for Swole Patrol they did get sent home early after facing two higher-tier organizations; Nip and Team Liquid. Currently, in all of the North American scene, Swole Patrol is ranked at number 4 behind NRG, eUnited and Rogue. So where do I think Swole Patrol will fall short to Mythic? Well, after EPICENTER Cooper of Swole Patrol and brother to Swole Patrol member Freakazoid left the team in dramatic fashion to join up with eUnited. The teams would make a one for one swap; Cooper for Ace. This will be Ace's first official game with the members of Swole Patrol and I fear with the new addition as well as the pain of the loss of both a good brother and teammate, Swole Patrol will take some time before they can truly get back in good shape. As for the map choice, Cache was a good map for Swole Patrol. However, good maps can often change with the addition of a new member. Not knowing calls, rotations, positions or buys could lead to some miscommunication issues on even the best of teams maps.

Final Thoughts:

Reading this tip and understanding that not all games can be determined by past statistics of individual players or how the team is performing internationally. But, instead of looking at the possible internal issues that may affect the team in-game is where this tip resides. With a little luck and the drama ensuing, I find that Mythic can get upset on Swole Patrol. Go low on Mythic over Swole Patrol.

Mythic 1xBet 3.64 3 Loss


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