2018-02-06 17:00:00
Windigo Gaming

Pro100 vs Windigo Gaming

2018-02-05 20:58:20Posted by NocturaCS

Hellcase Cup 7 ,

Hello everyone and welcome to back to my betting predictions. I'm going to start doing one of these a day for the month of February as a new goal of mine. Even if that means going out of my comfort zone with certain tiers of teams, much like these two teams we have here today. Pro100 and Windigo Gaming are closer to the tier 4-5 range of professional Counter Strike and play with teams like AGO and Spirit. Though these teams can't really match up to those teams, they are still of a level of CS where their games are broadcast and they play for money, so let's try to predict the outcome between them.

Pro100 :

Pro100 is Zuez from Navi's own private organization. He started the team I guess a while ago and just recently brought the team back to life after winning the Krakow Major with Gambit. Because of him starting a new org we get yet another CIS team in the competitive pool. Which personally I enjoy CIS CS, It's got such an aggressive and quick style but at the same time is controlled and unpredictable.

Pro100's maps are as followed; Mirage at 11-5, Inferno at 8-6, Cobblestone is 6-4, Overpass is 4-4, Nuke is 6-1, Cache is 0-4, and Train is the perma ban.

Windigo Gaming :

Windigo Gaming is a team that has been around for a very long time. Maybe not the team name, but the players. I remember this squad playing several years ago when I first got into competitive Counter Strike, where they played under the names: Orbit, MK,, and most recently Rogue. Which we know now is Hiko and companies team. They've always been okay, but never a real stand out team for me, not much improvement has happened within the last few years.

Windigo's maps are as followed; Cobblestone is 11-6, Train is 11-4, Inferno is 9-3, Mirage is 4-7, Overpass is 5-2, Cache is 3-1, and Nuke is the perma ban.

Map Pick/Ban :

This series will be a best of one. With that being said each team will ban 3 maps and the remaining map will be the map being played. Since Train and Nuke are perma bans, we won't be seeing those maps. Mirage is a likely ban from Windigo and Cobblestone is the main ban for Pro100, if it continues to go back and forth, I feel as though Inferno will be the map to be played this evening.

Final Thoughts:

Final thoughts on this match up are mixed. I don't feel strongly about these odds in favor of Windigo, they are a good team, but Pro100 have been playing rather well lately, and since this is a best of one series, anything can really happen. Looking at the odds for Pro100 under these conditions, I favor the CIS squad more. With that being said, I feel if you have some money to throw down, this would be the game to try and hit that x2 multiplier. I feel Pro100 can take this and a low bet to double up on is the way to go.

Pro100 Pinnacle 2.40 3 Loss


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