Ninjas In Pyjamas
2021-05-20 20:10:00
FunPlus Phoenix

Ninjas In Pyjamas vs FunPlus Phoenix

2021-05-20 15:53:07Posted by riffolen

some reasons why i think nip have very very good chance to beat fpx with score of 2-0

1. nip have new player whos legend Device, in fact this makes this team motivation very high.

2. even tho nip struggled vs anonymo , was due high packet loss, which made them re-play last map, device didnt show up there and they still won it.

3. even tho fpx have shown very good games past 4 matches, i still think they are pretty weak teams and if device stands up today, they can easily win on train as well , as train will be fpx pick.

Ninjas In Pyjamas (-1.5) Betway 3.00 10 Win


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