Natus Vincere
2020-12-08 20:25:00

Natus Vincere vs Astralis

2020-12-08 19:53:40Posted by kaguro

For me the best team of all time is coming back in great shape and with its sixth player playing a lot, I think the last games were very clear about the players' form, Astralis gave Furia a lesson on how to play Overpass and Nuke in addition to having won games against complicated teams always scoring 2-0 (Furia, Gambit, G2 and Liquid) but that doesn't mean anything Mousesports has also done very well in the last games, but it didn't convince me in the sense that they can win against Astralis

Astralis (-1.5) Betway 2.60 10 Loss


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