2018-09-27 08:15:52

Maru vs Rogue

2018-09-26 08:06:46Posted by shamalamadingdong is the number one ranked player in Korea. H

is horoscope (LEO) for the match day is:

This month's most active phase is finally coming to a close, and you should be ready to slow down the pace and crawl into your own head for a while. This isn't necessarily a time for deep self-examination. But it's a very good day to do any research you need to do. Complicated charts, abstruse facts and myriad details will all make sense to you instantly. And if you listen to your instincts while you're making your decisions, you are sure to make wise ones.

Pretty clear stuff, he should be able to make very good showing for himself. is ranked #6 and this certain to be a great match. His horoscope (Capricorn) states that:

You will be exposed to some advance knowledge or insider information today -- use it wisely. This information could have a profound effect on a project you're involved with, and might mean the difference between your being a superstar and your being a backup singer. Are you ready for the spotlight? Hold on to what you know for a few days, and resist the urge to get a jump on the competition. After all, how do you know that they don't also have this information?

I think he will be the backup singer today. He probably found a build, but is to afraid to use it. And it will haunt him for the rest of his days.

Maru (-2.5) Bet365 4.50 10 Win


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