Kings Gaming Club
2017-10-10 09:00:00
Tainted Minds

Kings Gaming Club vs Tainted Minds

2017-10-10 07:37:40Posted by rainpainter

I don't see any reasons for Tainted Minds to win this match (even i love this team).

Firstly, Kings are definitely stronger, than TM - 54th rank vs 100th, HLTV community also think that it's gonna be easy for Kings.

Secondly, four maps were played between this teams, four maps were won by Kings. And none of this maps were longer than 26 rounds!

And the last reason - play style of Kings so smart and disguisting (for TM), looks like they totally can't play vs Kings.

Pretty sure it will be 2:0 (like 16:7 ; 16:11)

Kings Gaming Club (-0.5) Pinnacle 2.87 7 Loss


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