2017-11-05 06:00:00
Team Heroic

Hellraisers vs Team Heroic

2017-11-04 22:48:26Posted by MasterYoda

The current tournament in Shangai continues, we have a match between Hellraisers and Heroic. I pick this match because I watched these 2 teams play yesterday, Hellraisers played for the first time with the new lineup and they were brilliant.

They outplayed Heroic and outsmarted them in many ways. It was just pleasure to watch them. Tommorrow they play again on the same tournament and I don't see a reason why HR should lose, they are better team, they are calm in clutch situations and I just think that ISSAA and ANGE1 would destroy them again. HR know how to hold spots and they are better on CT side, they don't lose rounds to some silly clutches, they play smart, if they stay 3v1 they don't push and that is why I like these guys, they play like every professional should play. In last match best player from Heroic Jugi missed many crucial shoots with AWP and maybe but just maybe if he managed to find that kills things would be different. That is why I won't go all in on this, my bet on this match is 30$ and that is about 7/10. (My maximal bet is 50$). GL & HF

Hellraisers Pinnacle 1.91 7 Win


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