2018-02-02 02:00:00


2018-02-01 22:51:16Posted by NocturaCS

ESEA MDL Season 27 North America,

Yesterday was a great day for me. That prediction for GX over Rise Nation was something I don't get to see very often. Usually their is a distinct winner in mind that I can write about and give knowledge towards, but this time the odds weren't in our favor, and we still went for it, and we won. Great day. Were going to try and repeat that today, since GX is playing with the same line up and this time going against a team that is of less caliber that Rise Nation, this team is LFAO.


LFAO is a team that I have not found the time to fully analyze because of the lack of a need to. They seem to be an average tier 5 team that can bring a little something to the table and qualify for more tier 3 events, but can never seem to get out of many group stages. I've seen their name come up time and time again but never have I seen them ever pull off a victory over a halfway decent/known team.

Maps for LFAO are as followed; Inferno is 2-3, Mirage is 2-2, Overpass is 1-2, Nuke is 2-0, Train is 1-0, Cobblestone is 0-1, and Cache is the perma ban

GX :

After yesterday's performance I am very pleased to see GX back on track to where I think they should be. the addition of IGL Steel and AWPer Koosta has created stability in the team. With now everyone being in their own pre conceived role, every player can now be more comfortable in their play style. Even though Koosta went 13-13 and was at the bottom of the leader board, the role of "AWPer" is covered and he doesn't need to put up huge numbers, he needs to just do his job.

GX's maps are as followed; Mirage is 3-6, Train is 3-5, Cache is 3-4, Inferno is 4-4, Cobblestone is 3-2, Nuke is 0-1, and finally Cache is the perma ban.

Map Pick/Ban :

Again this game will be a best of one and Steel will likely want to play a different map than the last, that's just how he is. Between these two maps pools I can foresee a probably Train game coming in, so be on the lookout for that.

Final Thoughts:

The final words or thoughts I am having about this game, are the fact that even though GX is still getting used to having their roles back to where they should be, they are getting to the point where they almost don't need to worry about what their team mates are doing and are able to focus on themselves. With any team, this is what makes players great, too many good players are forced into roles in which they cannot perform and this causes the team to suffer. Now that GX has this stabilizing factor I see them doing very well and being at the top of this ESEA MDL season. Medium bet on GX.

GX Bet365 1.28 6 Win


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