Gambit Esports
2018-02-09 13:00:00
Team Spirit

Gambit Esports vs Team Spirit

2018-02-09 00:41:15Posted by Meganizm

Gambit Gaming and Team Spirit played against each other 6 times. Team Spirit is currently at 5 wins and 1 loss making it a 83% chance of winning versus Gambit.

Let's take a look at other factors..

Last 12 games:

Gambit Rank #33: 7W/12L with an average world ranking opponents of 54.9%

Spirit Rank #19: 5W/12L with an average world ranking opponents of 54.8%

Spirit's player roster is a lot more experienced and has more synergy with each other oppose to Gambit's lineup.

I'm quite confident Spirit will win with a score of 2-0.

Team Spirit 1xBet 1.38 8 Win


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