FaZe Clan
2018-04-18 10:00:00
Team EnVyUs

FaZe Clan vs Team EnVyUs

2018-04-18 04:53:31Posted by rainpainter

Format: best of 1.

Match history: Faze +8 / =1 / Envyus +2

Even there's huge advantage by match history, only two map were played between teams with Xizt in line-up (1-1).

Faze had enough time to adapt their gamestyle for Xizt. This way French team got very low chances to pass Faze Clan.

Just because if Faze won't fail hardly, it's two teams of different skill level. For Envyus is the only chance to get Cache picked, but i don't think Faze will let them do it.

FaZe Clan Pinnacle 1.33 9 Win


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