FaZe Clan
2019-02-24 18:30:00

FaZe Clan vs Cloud9

2019-02-24 14:56:54Posted by rainpainter

I think that Faze Clan is strongly overestimated in this match.

1) Faze is not in their best conditions individually. Finally, we can see how NiKo is affected by playing the position of in-game-leader.

2) Faze cannot adapt to playing with Adren in their current roster. The thing is that they got used to focus on their individual plays. When Adren came to the team, it was obvious, that Faze need to change their playstyle to that, where teamplay means more. To be honest, it's not even related to Adren, it's a common problem of Faze, and their opponents already learned how to counter it.

3) Cloud9 had shown an impressive game and preparation in the recent game versus HellRaisers, even they started the Major not so well. Kioshima is in beasty shape right now, as well as Autimatic. If they keep doing like yesterday - Faze have definitely 0 chances to win.

4) If we talk about map pool, we have the pretty same situation here: both don't really play Dust2 and Nuke, so here we have draw.

I believe, that Cloud9 can win this match, just because they are better both individually and as a team than Faze.

Cloud9 1xBet 2.38 10 Loss


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