2018-09-15 08:50:00

Denmark vs China

2018-09-14 21:13:28Posted by shamalamadingdong

Denmark is a much better country than china. Better healthcare, better housing, better democracy. And i assume better overwatch.

The best way to help you achieve your best self is to let go and allow the universe work in it’s mysterious ways.

I was convinced by these words to go for 10 units. Otherwise my lack of knowledge about the game could have deterred me

Denmark Pinnacle 2.48 10 Loss


Meganizm 2018-09-15 00:09:18
What a half baked analysis... putting a 10 on a team, because they have quote: 'Better healthcare, better housing, better democracy. And i assume better overwatch' is ridiculous....
shamalamadingdong 2018-09-18 07:56:00
Sometimes you can't just trust the facts or statistics. Sometimes you have to just follow your feelings. The universe is more powerful than you can imagine.