compLexity Gaming
2020-11-24 12:30:00

compLexity Gaming vs Sprout

2020-11-24 09:13:10Posted by rainpainter

Though Complexity for now is a newly formed team with jks who arrived a month ago, they have shown a decent game on BLAST Premier Fall regular season, that's why I'm putting my trust in them.

I think that for 3 weeks passed Complexity became much stronger and Sprout is just not the opponent that could stand Complexity.

Already for a while there are rumors regarding Sprout and their sight set on getting back to the full-German roster.

Additionally, Sprout are not in the best shape right now and it's a pretty suitable opponent for Complexity by playstyle.

compLexity Gaming (-1.5) Betway 2.00 9 Win


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