2018-09-15 03:30:00

Australia vs Denmark

2018-09-15 01:38:02Posted by Meganizm

I have analyzed previous matches of Denmark and Australia, and here are the pros and cons I have noticed in each team. Let's start with Denmark...



-Dani is a consistent tank player and has big impacts with dva ulties(creates space)

-Shax and Fischer are very flexible damage dealers. Shax being a clutch widow also.

-Kellex's position is great. He only got caught once while ressurecting a teammate.

-Ding can 1v3 with a Zenyatta lol :D

-Team has interesting and flexible picks

-Very good defence and clutch shotcalling


-Fischer is not very good at Genji

-The team struggles pushing the payload through chokepoints

-Shax and Fischer sometimes soloplay and fail

Overall, it's a great team with a little bit ego plays here and there; and some problems with closing up games. Their defence is what makes this team stand out.

Moving on to Australia...


-Trill playing very aggressive Winston with nano and demolishing backline

-Akkraen has great sleeps and communication with the team to capitalize on them

-CKM a great genji and pharah player

-HUS a great sombra player


-Trill is a main DPS, so he is kinda forced to play mostly Winston

-80% of the time, Winston gets nanoboosted, so its kinda predictable


This is gonna be a close game.

Map 1 - Denmark. due to flexibility of picks and better point defence

Map 2 - Australia. Denmark has problems with choke points and Australia is very agressive on them

Map 3 - Australia. cuz Agression and dive

Map 4 - Australia. Same reasons

So, it's going to be a 3-1 for Australia. I'd recomend a medium-high bet for this one.

Australia Pinnacle 1.74 8 Loss


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