2021-05-02 18:30:00
Team Heroic

Astralis vs Team Heroic

2021-05-02 09:41:16Posted by riffolen

so lets check out these 2 teams and why i suggest going with heroic -1.5 (lower stake) and backing it up with heroic match winner.

1. heroic been dominating for while now, while astralis been looking meh with this new lineup (no device)

2. heroic map pool looks so strong after both teams removing perm maps.

3. heroic basically 14 winstreak if not counting gambit game where they had close game but gambit is top 1 team atm.

overall i would say lower stake on -1.5 heroic and match winner higher stake.

Team Heroic Pinnacle 1.74 10 Win


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