2020-05-17 18:00:00
G2 Esports

Astralis vs G2 Esports

2020-05-17 00:41:07Posted by snicxx

There is no Szenario where G2 could take this away from Astralis. This guys are soo sooo good right now and playing the textbook Counter Strike. It's like the fight of the Avengers vs Thanos. The only way G2 wins here is that Astralis missing their shots.. individuells doing alot of mistakes, carrier of the team like dupreeh, device and magisk playing bad this day AND G2 doing everything close to perfect. KennyS need to hit his insane shots.. hunter, nexa and amanek need to step up huge, but I think this szenario is really unlikely. If you want to put money on G2... better go play in the lotteria.

Astralis Pinnacle 1.21 10 Win


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