2018-03-22 16:00:00
Flipsid3 Tactics

ALTERNATE aTTaX vs Flipsid3 Tactics

2018-03-22 13:15:03Posted by rainpainter

Both teams are not in the best shape at the moment and got loose streak. Though, the match is best of 1 format and it's much better for Flipside. Map preference in this case plays for CIS team.

Also, last games we saw that Markeloff is going better and better after they switched roles with WorldEdit and it's gonna bey key factor to this game.

I expect win of Flipside under 26.5 rounds.

Probably, map is gonna be Mirage or Inferno. In that case, Hunden and his team will have very low chances to win.

Flipsid3 Tactics Pinnacle 2.70 6 Loss


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