2017-10-27 11:00:00

Alive vs Ryung

2017-10-27 05:14:06Posted by Meistro1

It's always nice to see two strong Korean players battle it out, and what could be a more classic match up for two professionals to compete in than TvT? Terran has been strongly represented in Korea since the time of boxer and in Legacy of The Void TvT is always a dynamic and interesting matchup. Unfortunately for Alive, Ryung's TvT is very strong. Going by their stats against each other, Ryung is almost a 2:1 favourite historically, winning 43-22 in all of his games vs Alive so far. In 2017 Ryung has been showing some very strong TvT matches against top tier Korean players like Innovation, so I do really like his chances here, and believe that the odds makers are over estimating Alive's chances.

Ryung Pinnacle 1.69 6 Loss


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